Recent Case Updates

Mr. and Mrs. J purchased a used vehicle from a dealership in Northern California. The dealership failed to complete the registration and transfer of ownership of the vehicle with the DMV. Our firm sued and within two months, our clients were paid monetary damages for the loss of use of their vehicle and received the registration.


Mr. S paid off his loan on a motorcycle in 2021. After paying off the loan, the lender failed to provide him with the clear title to the motorcycle. Our firm sued the lender and Mr. S was paid statutory damages for the lender’s failure to transfer the title for the motorcycle to him.


Mr. G retained our firm to assist him in recovering his downpayment after he cancelled the purchase of a vehicle. Within one month, Mr. G was reimbursed for the downpayment.


Mr. A sued a car dealer in Riverside County because it failed to pay off his loan on a trade-in vehicle within twenty-one days of acquiring the vehicle from him. He retained our law firm to force the dealership to pay off the loan. After we filed the lawsuit, the dealership paid off the loan and paid Mr. A monetary damages for the delay and credit damage.


Ms. C purchased a vehicle from a dealership in Orange, California. The dealership did not complete the registration with the DMV so she retained our law firm to force the dealership to complete the transfer of the registration and ownership of the vehicle to her. After filing the lawsuit on behalf of Ms. C, the dealership completed the registration with the DMV and paid Ms. C for her inability to use the vehicle while it was not registered to her.


Mr. M financed the purchase of a vehicle with a major auto lender. California law requires a lender to provide a consumer who paid off an auto loan with the title within fifteen days. The lender did not do so. After the lender ignored Mr. M for months, our firm obtained the title and monetary damages for Mr. M from the Lender.